Nokia Lumia (Windows Phone) and Isa mail

Getting the mobile password

Using Isa mail with a mobile device requires a separate password known as a "mobile password". The mobile password is used only when Isa mail is accessed with something other than a web browser.

1. Open the link

2. Select "Email address confirmation" and log in

3. Click the button"Create Isa Mail Mobile Password"

4. You will see your mobile password on the page. Use this password whenever you are adding the Isa mail account to a mobile device.

Adding Isa mail account to the device

Note! This guide is meant for a bit older Windows Phone 7.x and 8 devices. For more recent Windows Phone 8.1 devices the guide can be found from this link.

1. Open the "Settings" menu and select "email + accounts"

2. Select "add an account"

3. Scroll down and select "advanced setup"


4. Type in the following information:

Then select "next"

5. Select "Exchange ActiveSync"


6. Scroll down and type in the following settings:

7. Scroll down and select which items you want to synchronize, and then select "sign in". Isa mail has now been added to the device!