Apple iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch (iOS) and Isa mail

Adding Isa mail account to the device

1. Open the "Settings" menu and select "Mail, Contacts, Calendars"

2. Select "Add Account"

3. Select "Exchange"


4. Type in the following settings:

Then select "Next" and after a while type in the following settings:

Then select "Next" again


5. Choose which items you want to synchronize and then select "Save". Now the Isa mail account has been added!

Common problems

The most common problem is a wrong username or password:

Please check that you have typed in:

Usually in modern devices you do not need to use Mobile password, but if your JYU password does not work, test this:

Getting the mobile password

Using Isa mail with a mobile device seldom requires a separate password known as a "mobile password" anymore. The mobile password is (has been) used only when Isa mail is accessed with something other than a web browser.

1. Open the link and log in

2. Select "User account and email"

3. Click the button Isa mail mobile password "Create password"

4. After a moment, you will see your mobile password on the page. Use this password whenever you are adding the Isa mail account to a mobile device.

More information

More information can be found at Google's own instructions at: